At Johnathan T. Leonard Memorial Scholarships & Grants we only give to or align our organization with individuals or other organizations that we feel add to our purpose driven passion to help reduce finances as either a hindrance or a passion stealer of those we endeavor to help. Which means that we are always involved in the due diligence required to find those individuals and organizations that create within us a great sense of both desire and a bonafide commitment to help them succeed. And we are always aware of the fact that even the best laid plans mean nothing without thoughtful and deliberate execution and execution takes commitment. Commitment to follow through. Commitment to complete what one starts. This also entails the sharing of a vision or belief that those who we commit to partner with will accomplish their hopes, dreams, and goals with our help. (Recent Gift)

“If you are recognized at all, let it be for your service.”
– Mt. 23:11 (VOICE)
When broken down into its simplest form life is about relationships whether it is family, friends, or the individuals and organizations we feel inspired to connect ourselves with. Johnathan T. Leonard Memorial Scholarships & Grants seeks to build and foster meaningful and sustainable relationships with like-minded partners and organizations in order to not simply be of mutual benefit to each other but to strive to help the other obtain its individual goals.
And while work or career or volunteering is also about relationships it is perhaps more importantly about service. Even if the career field is not considered “service” there is still a very good chance that it involves some element of assisting someone else to better or more efficiently perform their job duties, helping an organization achieve its corporate or civic goals, or simply attending to the needs of internal or external clients.
Higher education requires funding and so does medical research. And just as the famous meditation of seventeenth century English poet and chaplain John Donne exclaimed that “no man [or woman] is an island” unto themselves; or in other words “none of us live for ourselves”* alone; the hopes, dreams, and visions of every individual and every organization quite often require the help or the resources of other individuals and organizations. And while the simple availability of individuals and organizations that are both able and willing to partner with Johnathan T. Leonard Memorial Scholarships & Grants is vitally important, so is the quality of those relationships or partnerships because the organization’s goal is to create not only a living legacy for the organization’s namesake, Johnathan Terry Leonard, but an enduring legacy as well.
*Rom 14:7 (VOICE)

Terry G. Leonard, Sr. shapes and approves the organization’s strategies, reviews results, and sets the overall direction of the organization.
Eldridge Moore helps shape the organization's vision and develop strategies to address the organization's mission.
Quinton Kirby influences the vision and strategic direction of the organization and serves as an advocate for the organizations’s commitment.