Numerous research studies have been conducted with regard to the positive effects of auditory stimulation on minimally conscious or comatose individuals. The family of Johnathan T. Leonard strongly believes that given a little more time the positive effects of hearing inspirational words, music, and familiar voices may have had a positive effect on his medical condition and perhaps by faith raised his level of consciousness.
Johnathan T. Leonard Memorial Scholarships & Grants provides MP3 players with pre-recorded words of inspiration to various hospital emergency and trauma victim units free of charge for those families and individuals who believe in the power of spoken words of inspiration and of music on the human consciousness.
Although we support scientific research we are not scientists, but we would really like to hear from you if you feel as though the free use of one of the MP3 players which we loan to various hospitals and chaplains had a positive impact on either you or your loved one who was minimally conscious or comatose.
Your feedback will help us to determine whether or nor we should continue this endeavor or perhaps shift these resources elsewhere.